Where can I purchase Jumbileen products?

You can purchase Jumbileen products directly from our official website.

Can I use Jumbileen products if I have sensitive skin?

Of course you can. While our products are crafted with natural ingredients, it's always advisable to conduct a patch test before using them extensively, especially if you have sensitive skin or existing skin conditions. If irritation occurs, please discontinue use.

Is Jumbileen committed to sustainability?

Absolutely. Jumbileen is deeply committed to sustainability. We support eco-friendly practices and contribute to local communities in Jamaica. Your choice of Jumbileen products reflects a commitment to environmental responsibility and positive social impact.

I'm ordering from outside the USA, are there customs and duties with my order?

All international shipments may be randomly chosen for inspection. The recipient of an international shipment is thus subject to import taxes, custom duties, and fees which are imposed once the shipment reaches clearance. Potential charges for a customs clearance must be fulfilled by the recipient .

How can I stay updated on new products and promotions?

Stay connected with us! Follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, and explore our blog for the latest beauty tips, product launches, and exclusive promotions.

What makes Jumbileen Jamaican Black Castor Oil unique?

Jumbileen Jamaican Black Castor Oil is crafted using the Jamaican traditional method. This is where the castor beans are roasted before being crushed in a mortar until it turns into a paste. This paste is then slow-boiled over a fire until it is transformed into oil that rises to the top of the water. This oil is then skimmed and transferred into a separate pot to settle and naturally cool. This process imparts a distinct color, scent, and nutrient profile to the oil, setting the Jamaican Black Castor oil apart from castor oil.

Can I use Jumbileen Jamaican Black Castor Oil on my skin?

Certainly! Jumbileen Jamaican Black Castor Oil is suitable for skin application. This remarkably versatile oil is packed with essential fatty acids and vitamin E, recognized for their nourishing and moisturizing attributes. To use, apply a modest quantity to your clean, dry skin, gently massaging it until complete absorption.

How do I use Jumbileen Jamaican Black Castor Oil for hair care?

You absolutely can. Whether you're looking to stimulate hair growth, strengthen your strands, or achieve a lustrous shine, our Jumbileen Jamaican Black Castor Oil is your go-to solution. Rich in omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E, it penetrates deep into the hair follicles, promoting healthy hair from root to tip.

Is salt applied to Jumbileen Jamaican Black castor Oil?

Absolutely not, Jumbileen Jamaican Black Castor Oil is crafted using traditional method that involve roasting and boiling the castor beans. The process does not include the addition of salt to the product. The result is a pure and authentic Jamaican Black Castor Oil, free from any unnecessary additives.

Does Jumbileen Jamaican Black Castor Oil have a strong odor?

Jumbileen Jamaican Black Castor Oil has an authentic earthy and nutty aroma resulting from the roasting of the castor beans are roasted. The smell is not offensive and fades quickly.